
Foto: Universidade de Coimbra | François Fernandes

The conference venue will be the
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
University of Coimbra

Largo da Porta Férrea
3004-530 Coimbra

Coimbra Cultural Trail – Trilha Cultural Coimbra

Embark on a journey to discover the cultural richness of the University of Coimbra with our Cultural Trail during the three conference days.
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The sessions times follow GMT time zone.
If you’re attending online, check the corresponding time to your location

Monday, January 22
Registration and welcome session
Guided visit to the main historical buildings of the University of Coimbra (including Biblioteca Joanina)
Tuesday, January 23

Opening ceremony
Room: Teatro Paulo Quintela


Keynote speech

Patrícia Pereira da Silva
Harmonizing growth and sustainability: higher education institutions’ journey through sustainable development challenges
(University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Room: Teatro Paulo Quintela
Moderator: Ana Lúcia Terra


Keynote speech

Gobinda Chowdhury
Information for sustainable development: towards a research roadmap
(University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom)
Room: Teatro Paulo Quintela
Moderator: Fernanda Ribeiro


Parallel Sessions A

A1 - Information behavior as a support of sustainable development

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Moisés Rockembach

A2 - Guided visit

A3 - Workshop

Room: TP2

Participation of students in training activities at the Library of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences at São Paulo State (Unesp)
Maria Elisa Valentim P. Nicolino, Helen de Castro Silva Casarin
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Information behavior of Czech and Slovak students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Silesian University in Opava and Comenius University in Bratislava comparative study
Michaela Dombrovská
Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic

Information management and violence against women: opinion survey in the city of Bauru-SP
Tamara de Souza Brandão Guaraldo, Celia Retz Godoy dos Santos
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Exploring the information sources of the indigenous people of Terena (Brazil) considering the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for the safeguarding of cultural heritage [online]
Lilian Aguilar Teixeira1,2, Ana Lúcia Terra1, Oswaldo Francisco De Almeida Junior2, Antonio Hilario Aguilera Urquiza3
1: University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2: São Paulo State University, Brazil, 3: Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Guided visit to the main historical buildings of the University of Coimbra (including Biblioteca Joanina)


Only onsite

Datavisualization: The Ai-Powered Secret Weapon for influencing decisions

Teo Liboni, Amaury Copin, Belle-Ange Kokate Rodongo, Izabela Balajewicz, Emma Fouchet
Joumana Boustany
Gustave Eiffel University, France


Parallel Sessions B

B1 - Information behavior as a support of sustainable development

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Maria Beatriz Marques

B3 - Knowledge Organization to support sustainability

Room: TP2
Moderator: Juan-José Boté-Vericad

Information behavior of recycle material collectors in Brazil: social sustainability as a basic human need
Eliany Alvarenga de Araújo, Rubem Borges Teixeira Ramos, Lays Sousa Amaral
Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

Criticism of norms in school libraries – conversation as a method for increased reading: a follow up report as further steps are taken
Fredrik Ernerot
Uppsala University, Sweden

Informational behaviour of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS): an approach for sustainable development in the business landscape [online]
Andreia Carvalho, Hélder Ferreira, Inês Braga
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

Information technology anxiety and information overload: a case study at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
Paulo Vicente
University of Coimbra, Portugal

An investigation of new and emerging research support services in Hungarian university libraries
Habtamu Keno Dessa, Dani Erzsébet
University of Debrecen, Hungary

Collaboration between libraries, education, science and business at Technical Information Library Hannover
Illia Slutskyi, Enes Albayrak, Cina Behzad
Hochschule Hannover, Germany

Information flow system for cooperation between universities and the private sector, with particular respect to the humanities, with unique examples from Hungary
László Nemes
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary & Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Library tourism and star architects: the example of the Pritzker Architecture Prize
Radoslav Hristov
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria

Keywords and descriptors in Information Science theses and dissertations
Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Systematic literature review applied to the study of foresight and informational innovation: case study in the context of Knowledge Organization and sustainability
Graciane Silva Bruzinga Borges1, Gercina Ângela de Lima1, Gustavo Silva Saldanha2
1: Federal University of Minas Gerais, 2: Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Brazil


Coffee break

Ice Breaking "Face to Face"


Parallel Sessions C

C1 - 21st Century Skills and information profession

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Thiago Barros


C2 - Digital transformation and sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: Cristina Freitas

C3 - Projects and innovations in libraries

Room: TP2
Moderator: Tamara de Souza Brandão

The records manager facing the demands of the 21st century: sustainable development and personal data protection
Cecília Preciosa Cabsela, Gildo Carlos Macie, Sonia Maria Troitiño Rodriguez
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Aux armes, librarians! Why and how access to knowledge advocacy should form part of every librarian's mission
Stephen Wyber
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Netherlands

Book influencers in the library?
Dóra Szabó, Dani Erzsébet
University of Debrecen, Hungary

Information tools: integration into the librarian profession [online]
Elena Popova, Sabina Eftimova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria

Diagnosis of accessibility levels of websites of federal undergraduate education institutions in North East Brazil [online]
Ramon Maciel Ferreira1, Thayron Rodrigues Rangel2, Luana Lobo dos Santos3
1: Controladoria Regional da União do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, 2: Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro, 3: National Archives, Brazil

Sustainability policies and approaches in research university libraries in Turkey
Deniz Ermişoğlu, Nuh Mehmet Topkaraoğlu, Şifa Çolakkadıoğlu
Tarsus University, Turkey

Sustainability of library institutions through digital transformations
Ivana Nikolova, Elisaveta Tsvetkova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria

Acting and reacting with intention: fostering and sustaining a climate of inclusivity [online]
Zachary Newell
University of Southern Maine, United States

From "pay to read" to "pay to publish": a new beginning for Open Access in Romania
Ivona Olariu
The Association of the Universities, Research and Development Institutes and Central University Libraries in Romania "Anelis Plus" & "Mihai Eminescu" Central University Library Iasi, Romania

Open Access legal-environmental information sources in Spain and Europe
David Mercadal Cuesta
CIEDA-CIEMAT, University of Zaragoza, Spain

University library for the empowerment of the deaf community [online]
Maísa Coelho França, Ariadne Chloe Mary Furnival
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

Wednesday, January 24

Keynote speech

Julien Roche
Research libraries, Open Science and sustainable development
(LIBER - Association of European Research Libraries & University of Lille, France)
Room: Teatro Paulo Quintela
Moderator: Maria Manuel Borges



Parallel Sessions D

D1 - Data management and research sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Jéssica Tolare

D2 - Information literacy and sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: Fernanda Carolina Pegoraro Novaes

D3 - Workshop

Room: TP2

Navigating the role of data curators in research data management: opportunities and obstacles in repository maintenance
Juan-José Boté-Vericad
University of Barcelona, Spain

Ontologies and research data: a theoretical-methodological overview
Caliel Cardoso de Oliveira, Thiago Henrique Bragato Barros
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Research data management from Hungarian perspective: systematic literature review
Aulia Puspaning Galih, Ágnes Hajdu Barát
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Sustainable and collaborative development of research support services at the university library of Paris Nanterre (France)
Cécile Swiatek Cassafieres
University of Paris Nanterre, University Library, France

Active methodologies in emergency remote teaching: use of information literacy strategies in Communication courses at Unesp Bauru
Tamara de Souza Brandão Guaraldo1, Gustavo de Andrade Silva1, Gloria Maria Lourenço Bastos2, Rita de Cassia Silva dos Santos1, Onnara Custódio Gomes1
1: São Paulo State University, Brazil; 2: Universidade Aberta (Open University), Portugal

Information literacy and sustainability in the public sector
Gildo Carlos Macie, Telma Campanha de Carvalho Madio, José Carlos Abbud Grácio, Cecília Preciosa Cabsela
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Youth media literacy teaching in Lithuanian public libraries: present situation and perspectives for the future [online]
Fausta Kepalienė
Vilnius University, Lithuania

Expanding information practices studies: research paths in religious context [online]
Evandro Rodrigues1, Ana Lúcia Terra1, Claúdio Paixão2
1: University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2: Federal Uiversity of Minas Gerais, Brazil



Only onsite

Digital Detective: Unmask Disinformation

Dieter Lawson, Cedric Saunie, Maxime Angulu, Ines Sahel, Florah Berron, Eugénie Charles Felicite
Joumana Boustany
Gustave Eiffel University, France
Gustave Eiffel University, France

Short coffee-break

Parallel Sessions E

E1 - LIS studies on gender and diversity

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Paulo Vicente

E2 - Digital transformation and sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: Ana Margarida Dias da Silva

E3 - Workshop

Room: online & Room 6
Moderator: Ana Lúcia Terra

Enhancing inclusivity: a comparative study of subject headings on gender and sexuality in national libraries
Abril Porcar Domingo, Tina Levillain Miralles, Juan-José Boté-Vericad
University of Barcelona, Spain

Gender and sexuality in knowledge organization systems [online]
Leonardo Borges Rodrigues Chagas, Maria Aparecida Moura
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

The thematic representation of female composers in classical music on music streaming platforms
Jessica Beatriz Tolare, Fernanda Carolina Pegoraro Novaes, Amanda Mendes Silva
São Paulo State University, Brazil

The transphobic discourse instrumentalized by the Brazilian right: disinformation as a common thread of fascism
Anderson Matheus Alves Arruda, Nadi Helena Presser
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

Electronic Information System (SEI): a document management system for effective governmental institutions [online]
Natalia Nakano, Rosilene Paiva Marinho de Sousa, Milton Shintaku
Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia - Ibict, Brazil

Information Management: notes about things I didn't learn from textbooks
Teresa Joana da Silva Silveira
University of Porto, Portugal

Records management in search of efficiency in the Administrative Archive of the Archive of the University of Coimbra
Isabel Cristina Guerra Correia Rostami
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Self-archiving and indexing guidelines for scientific production in institutional repositories: analysis from South and Southeast Brazil [online]
Franciele Marques Redigolo1, Fernanda Kelly Gonçalves Menezes2, Stela Andrade Vasconcelos2, Cecília Abrahão Nascimento de Santi2, Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita1
1: São Paulo State University, 2: Federal University of Pará, Brazil

Subject analysis, content analysis and domain analysis: concepts, methods and applications [online]
Tauany Lorena Alves Silva Portella, Gercina Angela De Lima
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Assistive technologies for visually impaired

Raj Kumar Bhardwaj
St Stephen’s College - Delhi, India


Parallel Sessions F

F1 - Digital transformation and sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Radoslav Hristov

F2 - Data management and research sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: Ina Blümel

F3 - Workshop

Room: TP 2

Optimizing candidate selection for media product recordings: a database design approach
Kevin-Raúl Veliz-Bravo, Juan-José Boté-Vericad
University of Barcelona, Spain

The contribution of digitization in Library Science to the Sustainable Development Goals with a special focus on Hungarian libraries [online]
Fruzsina Pataki
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

The convergence of digital transformation and sustainability: the role of information professionals in building a more sustainable future [online]
Janaína Fernandes Guimarães Polonini, Carla Conforto de Oliveira, Bárbara Souza da Silva
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Infocommunication applied to teaching in the Information Science field: enhancing the transformation of information into personal knowledge through personal computing devices
Dalbert Marques Oliveira1, Ana Lúcia Terra1, Paula Péres2
1: University of Coimbra, 2: Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

Assessment of Capes' Open Data compliance with FAIR principles: an exploratory analysis [online]
Francis Bento Marques, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos Maculan, Renato Rocha Souza
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Publication trends based on the Times Impact Ranking - a Sustainable Development Goals oriented scientometric analysis [online]
Anna Urbanovics1, Miklós Szűcs2, Péter Sasvári1
1: University of Public Service, 2: University of Miskolc, Hungary

Finnish Environment Institute: building hope through open science
Henri Pitkänen
Finnish Environment Institute, Finland

Enabling FAIR data principles in the era of Big Data: strategies, challenges, and implications
Bernat Montaña Suñé, Juan-José Boté-Vericad
University of Barcelona, Spain


Only onsite

Learning spaces and library of the 21st century

Joumana Boustany
Gustave Eiffel University, France


Parallel Sessions G

G1 - Knowledge Organization to support sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Erzsébet Dani

G2 - Workshop

Room: TP2

G3 - 21st Century Skills and information profession

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: Teresa Silveira

The role of classification systems for a sustainable world
Thiago Henrique Bragato Barros1, Roberta Pinto Medeiros2
1: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, 2: Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil

Analysis of indexing language in Covid-19 subject representation [online]
Maria Carolina Andrade Cruz, Jessica Beatriz Tolare, Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Perspectives on preservation in digital libraries in the light of metadata: paths for the sustainability of Luso-Brazilian heritage [online]
Gabriela Aparecida da Cunha Yamane1, Fabiano Ferreira de Castro1, Israel Guerra Yamane2
1: Federal University of São Carlos, 2: Anhembi Morumbi University, Brazil

Unlocking knowledge: exploring the RVK's potential as an international classification system
Sofia Filipa Pissarra Morais
Hochschule Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany


Only onsite

Digital Guardians: Safeguarding Library Collections

Baptiste Thareau, Yunfei Liu, Nour Ben Salah, Killian Penin, Abourahim Koanda
Joumana Boustany
Gustave Eiffel University, France

Artificial intelligence in information services: the ethical challenges of information professionals
Nuno Miguel Teixeira Sousa, Maria Manuela Tavares de Matos Cardoso
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Implications and challenges for the information professional: the use of text generators [online]
Janaína Fernandes Guimarães Polonini, Bárbara Souza da Silva, Carla Conforto de Oliveira
São Paulo State University, Brazil

The music collection of the library in the era of streaming services
Barnabás Virág, Dani Erzsébet
University of Debrecen, Hungary

Information design and digital curation at the Museum of the Person: folksonomy converged to the social technology of memory [online]
Gabriela de Oliveira Souza, Maria José Vicentini Jorente
São Paulo State University, Brazil


Posters session

Moderator: Dóra Szabó

"What makes a novel gay?": classification in a queer library and the reading habits of its users
Erit C. M. Grünefeld
Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

An overview of prominent topics on teaching Sustainability and Information Literacy
Paula Grgić, Mate Juric
University of Zadar, Croatia

Croatian public libraries' services and program for marginalised groups and people living in poverty
Lucija Jukić, Alica Kolarić
University of Zadar, Croatia

Education opportunities for the information profession in Germany
Elisa Marten, Janna Freiling
Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

Open Science infrastructures - support from the Université Paris Nanterre (UPN) university library
Cécile Swiatek Cassafieres
University of Paris Nanterre, University Library, France

Trends in library services and the competencies of the librarian
Edna Karina da Silva Lira1, Andrey Anderson dos Santos1, Eliana Maria dos Santos Bahia1, Beatriz Marques Chaíça2
1: Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2: University of Coimbra, Portugal

Green libraries: IFLA's actions and resources for sustainability and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Sara Alexandra Rodrigues Brito, Ana Carolina Silva Fonseca, Liliana Isabel Esteves Gomes
University of Coimbra, Portugal


BOBCATSSS Board Meeting

Room: TP2

Thursday, January 25

Keynote speech

Serap Kurbanoglu
Going green: what makes libraries more environmentally-friendly?
(Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Moderator: Liliana Esteves Gomes


Parallel Sessions I

I1 - Information literacy and sustainability

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Alica Kolarić

I2 - Information Management

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: Mariângela Fujita

I3 - Projects and innovations in libraries

Room: TP 2
Moderator: Ümit Konya

Information literacy: university extension and contributions to Sustainable Development Goals
Rita de Cássia Silva dos Santos1, Gloria Maria Lourenço Bastos2, Tamara de Souza Brandão Guaraldo1, Celia Retz Godoy dos Santos1
1: São Paulo State University, Brazil, 2: Universidade Aberta (Open University), Portugal

Mapping the SDG 4 process: algorithmic literacy among students of the University of Sarajevo
Emina Adilović
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The pivotal role of libraries in sustainable AI development
Mathilde Garnier1, Mathilde Cussac2, Camille Delaune3, Camille Espy4, Laure Papon-Vidal5
1: University of Bordeaux, 2: Saint Jorioz Public Library, France, 3: Librarian, Spain, 4: NATO Defence College, Italy, 5: Aix-Marseille University Libraries, France

University extension as a field for information literacy actions for sustainability [online]
Marianna Zattar1, Nysia Oliveira de Sá2, Alberto Calil Elias Junior1
1: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2: Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Internet censorship in Russia
Marija Bitunjac
University of Zadar, Croatia

Social network algorithms and political sects: reflections on technology, democracy and society [online]
Carlos Rocha
Federal University of Parana, Brazil

What conspiracy theories circulated on Twitter during the first wave of Covid-19 in France?
Marc Tanti

Information warfare: Sub-Saharan Africa as a space of conflict between European powers
Kilian Choron
Gustave Eiffel University, France

From query formulation to prompt engineering: the evolving information interaction
Paavo Arvola
Tampere University, Finland

Citizen Science and public libraries: data on librarians' perceptions of participation in the aBEIRAr project, Portugal
Filipa Alexandra Santos Pimentel, Liliana Isabel Esteves Gomes
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Academic libraries and digital humanities: the example of the UNED
Isabel Calzas González, Beatriz Tejada Carrasco
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain

Project management in libraries [online]
Gabriel Georgiev, Tania Todorova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria


Parallel Sessions J

J1 - 21st Century Skills and information profession

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Nevzat Özel

J2 - Information management

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: António Tavares Lopes

J3 - Workshop

Room: TP2

Croatian and Portuguese students' perception and expectations of the LIS program and profession
Sanjica Faletar1, Ana Lúcia Terra2, Borna Petrović1, Martina Slobođanac1, Beatriz Marques Chaíça2, Carolina Alves2
1: University of Osijek, Croatia, 2: University of Coimbra, Portugal

Romanian higher education and skills in Library and Information Sciences in 21st century
Silviu Borș
Lucian Blaga University Of Sibiu, Romania

Skills of Information Science professionals in Brazil: challenges and perspectives based on the objectives of the 2030 Agenda
Antonio Victor Rodrigues Botão1, Thayron Rodrigues Rangel2
1: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2: Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

No one is left behind: training for diversity in undergraduate Librarianship in Brazil in the 2021-2030 decade [online]
Fernanda do Valle Galvão Debetto1, Gustavo Silva Saldanha2
1: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2: Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Brazil

The contribution of digital preservation as a digital transformation aiming at "Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" [online]
João Paulo Pastana Neves, Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim, José Carlos Abbud Grácio
São Paulo State University, Brazil

Environmental informational appropriation for sustainable development: selective collection of plastic lids in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Rubem Borges Teixeira Ramos, Eliany Alvarenga de Araújo
Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

Images and climate change communication on social media [online]
A.K.M Eamin Ali Akanda, Naziat Choudhury
University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Cultivating information literacy through SDGs: a comprehensive Spotify song analysis
Núria Pujol-Ventosa, Juan-José Boté-Vericad
University of Barcelona, Spain


Only onsite

Are you naked on the internet?

Loris Lejczyk, Alexandre Irand, Astiana Auguste, Sasha Ordronneau, Shaïneze Taleb, Carla Dehaye
Joumana Boustany
University Gustave Eiffiel, France


Parallel Sessions K

K1 - The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Libraries

Room: Anfiteatro III
Moderator: Silviu Bors

K2 - Green and sustainable libraries

Room: Anfiteatro VI
Moderator: Anabela Fernandes

K3 - Projects and innovations in libraries

Room: TP2
Moderator: Paavo Arvola

Beyond labelling: paths towards more meaningful engagement with the SDGs in libraries
Stephen Wyber
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Netherlands

Mapping of good practices in university libraries aligned with the development of digital competence from the perspective of the 2030 Agenda
Alessandra Monteiro Pattuzzo Caetano1,2, Helen de Castro Silva Casarin2
1: FAESA University Center, 2: São Paulo State University, Brazil

Permeability of the SDG book club in Portuguese language in public policies towards reading in Brazil and Portugal [online]
Callu Ribeiro Ferreira Pedreira e Andrade Bamberg, Juliana Marques Ramos, Luciane Paula Vital, Daniella Camara Pizarro
1: Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2: Santa Catarina State University, Brazil

Smart cities and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: considerations on public libraries' role in Brazilian national policy on smart cities [online]
Camilla Castro de Almeida, Elisabete Gonçalves de Souza
Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

Analysis of scientific output on green libraries in Brazil compared to the practical actions of university libraries [online]
Juliana Buzinaro Andrikonis, Ariadne Chloe Mary Furnival
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

Green environmental trends in the 21st century: Bulgarian libraries perspectives
Vanesa Stefanova, Polly Mukanova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Bulgaria

The contributions of Iberarchivos program to achieve the Global Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda [online]
Luana Lobo dos Santos1, Maril Dias de Souza Dias2
1: National Archives, 2: Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Carmen Köbele, Lisa Sommer, Mandy Tanneberger, Ina Blümel, Silke Clausing
Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

Sustainability Initiatives at Dresden Municipal Libraries
Paula Latta, Anne Nagel, Sarah Seidel
Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

Decolonial practices in Brazilian Knowledge Organization Systems: a literature overview [online]
Admeire da Silva Santos Sundström1, Heloá Cristina Camargo de Oliveira2
1: Linnaeus University, Sweden; 2: Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil

The importance of the Ansoff matrix for the study of the information services market
Ana Patrícia Pereira Ferraz Soares Ferreira, Maria Beatriz Pinto de Sá Moscoso Marques
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Key metrics for assessing strategic information curation effectiveness
Alexandre Achard
Gustave Eiffel University, France



Coimbra Cultural Trail Award Ceremony


Keynote speech

Mia H. Mathiasson
Sustainable Librarianship: How librarians work with sustainability and what it means
(Department of Design, Media and Educational Science, University of Southern Denmark)
Moderator: Joumana Boustany



Closing ceremony
Room: Teatro Paulo Quintela

Friday, January 26


23, 24 and 25 January 2024

University of Coimbra, Portugal